King Krule - King Krule
On this intriguing debut EP, the 17-year-old Archy Marshall, who formerly recorded as Zoo Kid, pairs his deep, cracked voice and a bleak, restless tension with warm instrumentation. Jazzy stand-up bass and string hits lend a redemptive, hopeful quality to the music.
On this intriguing debut EP, the 17-year-old Archy Marshall, who formerly recorded as Zoo Kid, pairs his deep, cracked voice and a bleak, restless tension with warm instrumentation. Jazzy stand-up bass and string hits lend a redemptive, hopeful quality to the music.
On this intriguing debut EP, the 17-year-old Archy Marshall, who formerly recorded as Zoo Kid, pairs his deep, cracked voice and a bleak, restless tension with warm instrumentation. Jazzy stand-up bass and string hits lend a redemptive, hopeful quality to the music.